Greek Mythology Book Tag (And I’m back!!)

***(Fanart of Percy used above is by Space Dementia)

Bonjour my fellow bookworms!✨ I know that I disappeared out of the blue for quite awhile but I’m back now after a long break! And to start off, I’m finally doing one of my tags hehe

Yes I know how ridiculously late this is, but I mean better late than never…? * nervous laughter * Maybe I’ll finally be able to catch up with all my other tags doubtful hopefully. And what better time to do this then 2 days after Percy’s birthday?🔱

Anyways, sorry for being so late and thank you May @ Dreamer of Books and Coffee for tagging me!! Truly honoured and I had so much fun putting in my answers😌 and now i feel like rereading pjo omg

Now on to the tag!

Oh yes, the cursed question bookworms fear—the “favourite book.” Like how can you even choose just one book??? The day I’m able to is the day hell freezes over, but until then I’m going to choose one of my favs of this year and that’s House of Earth and Blood. So many of my friends were telling me that I’d love HOEAB and that’s just what happened.🥰

Once upon a time, I would’ve right away said Clockwork Princess, but now… oh now The Burning God easily steals the spot. If you know, you know😭😭 That ending gave me all the feels, more specifically it destroyed what was left of my heart and even months later I still haven’t recovered. I want to say that I’d sob to my heart’s content, but I’ll never be okay. And it’s all thanks to Rebecca Kuang😘

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What automatically came to mind was The Box in the Woods aka the 4th book in the Truly Devious series. Definitely the most creepiest out of the books published so far in that series😰 Imagine going camping only to find dead bodies all around and soon after be the target of the killer-

Tara Spruit Art — Adolin and Shallan as the Lovers card for my...

OMG LITERALLY I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THIS BECAUSE I AUTOMATICALLY KNEW OF THE PERFECT COUPLE. First of all though, there are way too many cute fictional couples to pick and a long time ago I would’ve definitely struggled. However, recently I’ve found a new OTP that I’d die for🥺 Adolin and Shallan are just so adorable and precious. Like that fanart above?? How does that not scream cute?? Looking at them makes me want to cry because I just love them so so much. Oh, and these two characters are from The Stormlight Archives, so this is another reminder to ADD THIS SERIES TO YOUR TBR.

Uh oh… not me putting another Sanderson book-

Okay but seriously, Sanderson really does have the best worldbuilding I’ve ever seen in any other book. His best yet (imo) is once again in The Stormlight Archives. It’s really just beyond amazing, it always just blows my mind away like how does this guy do it??

This is very cruel. I’ve honestly contemplated creating a shelf on Goodreads for gorgeous covers because omg a lot of them are just so beautiful I can’t stop staring🥺🥺 One of my favourite covers this year is the one for Chain of Iron. Lucie being on the cover made me so happy and she’s so beautiful it hurts🤧 I’M SO EXCITED FOR THE CHAIN OF THORNS COVER REVEAL🔥🔥 * manifesting James Herondale on the cover *

R.F. Kuang's Epic Poppy War Series Is Headed to Television |

AHAHAHAHA * laughs in pain * there’s no doubt about it that the whole The Poppy War trilogy is literally the most violent series I have ever read in my entire life and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon💀 I love it so much but oh the pain I went through reading the series. Thinking about it now makes me want to curl up and die😭

The one and only Jude Duarte aka the love of my life from The Folk of the Air trilogy🥺💞 Of course she’d be one of my favourite femme fatales mehehe her boldness and cunning ways – I love her so much <33

Skyward : Sanderson, Brandon: Books

There have been so many books with such beautiful messages to the point where I’d be tearing up, especially when seeing the main character follow that message🥺 Most recently Skyward is what’s done that to me. It’s human nature to care about what others say about you to the point where even you start to believe them. And seeing the message to trust in what you think about yourself more than what others say was just ❤ because in the end, we know ourselves better than anyone else in the world.

Link to my review ~ Skyward Review

Another cruel one😭😭 I’m going with not one–but TWO scorching hot characters and that is my two loves the James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs from The Last Hours series. I love them with my entire being AND NEED TO SEE THEIR HEA OR ELSE🔪 I could literally stare at this piece of fanart all day. Stan Jordelia forever🔥

Hana Khan Carries On was a totally relatable story and probably the most relatable up to date for me. The main character Hana is Muslim (like me), lives in Canada (like me), and has to deal with Islamophobia (also like me). It’s nice reading about a character who tries to fight back against Islamophobia but also face reality that it can’t be easily fixed just like in the real world here.

10 Iconic Shadowhunters Locations - Riveted

So you see, on one hand there are soooo many places I’d die to live in😍 but on the other… I’d quite literally die if I lived in any of those places as most of them would be in set in deadly fantasy worlds😂 But if I had to choose, 100% say the Shadowhunter world (specifically in London, England) BECAUSE UM JEM CARSTAIRS?? To be able to meet Jem face to face would be a dream come true🥺🥺

The Iron Sword (The Iron Fey: Evenfall, #2)

TOO MANY. #1 on that list is most definitely Chain of Thorns along with my 2nd being House of Sky and Breath buut since both haven’t had their covers revealed yet, I’m going to go with one of my most anticipated 2022 releases that does have a cover and The Iron Sword it is! This is a spin-off series to one of my all-time favourite series in the world–The Iron Fey–and this book here is said to be in the POV of the love of my life AND first book boyfriend Ash!! I’m so so excited to read this and that cover so fits Ash, just gorgeous💙

Lacey @ Starlit Shelves

Amanda @ Bookish Brews

I’m All Booked Up

Lyra @ Defiantly Yours

Maddie @ Inking & Thinking

Birdie @ Birdie’s booktopia

Rania @ Rania’s Rambling Reads

Ritz @ Living, Loving and Reading

Susana @Susana Loves Books

Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done this tag or are too busy!! hehe and if anyone else wants to do this tag, I’d love to see your answers!

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